Monday, October 26, 2009
Scarlet Johansson Tries Vocals
I have to be honest, I am quite hard on the actors that attempt music careers. Not being a huge fan of Johansson as an actress, I was skeptical. However, I was pleasantly surprised. Let it be known that Pete Yorn is a good partner in the music business. Yorn and Joahansson's CD is refreshing. There are few artists in today's world that are different, but the combination of their voices is unique and something to hear.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Chris Thile and the Punch Brothers First Tour to Hit Kentucky
As a child of the “Bluegrass State” I, of course, rebelled against the sounds of banjos, fiddles and mandolins as soon as I got control of the radio dial in our car. This rebellion lasted through my angst-filled high school years and about halfway into my college freshman year. It was in this year that I had a professor who required his students attend Woodsongs: Old Time Radio Hour. I went with a group of friends so that I could sit in the back, talk through the performance and, with any luck, sneak out a little early. As fate would have it, my friends and I had chosen a special day at Woodsongs that cost 10 dollars instead of the usual 5 because there was a big name band on the bill. After having driven over an hour to get to the performance we, begrudgingly, did pay the double admission that we were charged.
I honestly cannot tell you who the big name band was that caused the ticket price spike but I do remember vividly the opening act. At the beginning of the show onto the stage walked, not an old man in overalls and cowboy boots but, 6 young men only a little bit older than me wearing clothes that I would wear. This got my attention but it was their musical style, I was later informed that it is called Alt. Country, which really grabbed and held me through the performance. This band was called The Infamous Stringdusters. These young men had opened my eyes to a style that I had always shrugged off as outdated or boring leading me to other artists like Chris Thile, Gillian Welch, Dirk Powell and many more.
This story does have relevance to the blog. It was in this time of discovery that the members of Nickel Creek decided to go their separate ways and try their hand at solo careers. Chris Thile was the artist that I followed most closely after leaving the band. His solo album was enjoyable but, when I heard that he was teaming up with one of the founding members of the Alt. country band that sparked my conversion: The Infamous Stringdusters, I knew that, together, they would bring their style of music to new highs. Their new band, The Punch Brothers, are going on tour this fall and will be visiting Kentucky as a part of the Alltech Fortnight Festival! Getting to see these two, as well as 3 other virtuosic musicians in a very intimate setting will be a truly great experience that I look forward to!
Until next time,
The Intern
Friday, September 11, 2009
"The Great Lady of Soul" Brings The Who to Tears.
As far as tributes go, the 2008 Kennedy Center Honors for The Who was among the best that I have seen. This star studded tribute brought honorees Pete Townshend and Roger Daltrey to tears multiple times but none of the performances were as moving as Bettye LaVette’s cover of The Who’s Former hit, “Love Reign”. This performance made many in a younger generation, which is infatuated with the classic rock of the 1970’s, stand up and take notice of an artist, and really a genre, that has been almost forgotten about. I know when I watched the performance, I was moved by her soulful rendition of this classic song.
Recently gaining the nickname “The Great Lady of Soul”, Bettye LaVette has had a tumultuous career filled with more emotional highs and lows than last night’s Steelers game. Fortunately, LaVette never gave up on her career; even after her studio mysteriously decided not to release an album that she had just recorded with “the Swampers” in Muscle Shoals in 1972. This incident, while devastating her emotionally, did not cause her to give up on her dreams. The album was later bought by another label and released in 2000, with high acclaim, as Souvenirs. Souvenirs is now regarded as one of the top 5 albums that every fan of Soul music should own.
I am personally excited to see “the Great Lady of Soul” perform in person. I have seen her on the Kennedy Center Honors, Barack Obama’s Inauguration Celebration and a benefit concert with Ringo Starr and Sir Paul McCartney and I think that it will be a see her in the intimate setting of the Singletary Center’s theater. In my opinion, there is no soul singer that has bridged so many styles of music with her albums. Her voice is moving and soulful, fitting perfectly into many different genres; though it always carries with it the same emotional dedication that she shows to her music. It is no wonder that she could take a classic rock song written by someone else and so make it her own that the original artists were brought to tears.
The Intern
Friday, September 4, 2009
Hot New Band "Love and Theft" to Open for Jason Aldean, Miranda Lambert
Any band you talk to, if there is a problem on tour, they immediately blame their lead singer. I have spoken to several of my friends, who spend 80% of their year touring with their respective bands, and they all say the same thing, “yeah, it was a great tour except…” What follows that “except” is 100% of the time a complaint about the lead singer being unmanageable on the tour. Because this happens to everyone I know who is in a band, I assume that it is a universal phenomenon. Lead singers simply must be unmanageable. If I have a popular band who tours constantly I would have to assume that the lead singer would cause problems that would borderline tear the band apart but we would always finish the tour and solidify the band relationships afterwards. It is the same story every time.
Enter Love and Theft. For those of you who have not heard of them, Love and Theft is a three man band from Nashville, TN. They are, as you might expect from their city of origin, a new country band.
What is interesting about this band?
They are all lead singers!
Listening to their music from the studio this works very well. The positives of having three band members that all have the ability to lead their own band vocally are endless. They produce harmonies that are very seldom heard and are rooted deeply in the country music of old. The driving force of this band is not a drumbeat, like the current Pop-country scene, it is harmonic vocals and guitars (did I mention they all also play guitar?). Three lead singers who all play guitar! This made me question; what is it like on tour?
If I have heard nothing but complaints from bands about their lead singers on tour, I had to ask myself how this band of three lead singers, who all play guitar, make it through their tours without killing each other. The only other band that I remember having success on tour with three lead singers is Hanson but even they played different instruments.
Surprisingly to me, Love and Theft has thoroughly enjoyed all of their tours according to their interviews. They claim to love playing music together. The closeness of the band, in my opinion, leads to a great chemistry in the studio and on stage. With their single “Runaway” hitting #18 on the country charts, Love and Theft are poised to rock Applebees Park on Sept. 25th where they will be opening for Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert, the best concert value of the year!
The Intern
Friday, August 28, 2009
Alltech Brings Inventor of Slam Poetry to Host Lexington Competition!
“The very word 'poetry' repels people. Why is that? Because of what schools have done to it. The slam gives it back to the people.... We need people to talk poetry to each other. That's how we communicate our values, our hearts, the things that we've learned that make us who we are.” -Marc Smith-
Marc Smith has spent years in an effort to bring poetry back to the people. Slam Poetry has revolutionized poetry, turning it from a snobby, highly-refined form of fine art into what, most people will argue, it was meant to be: a raw expression of one’s emotions and humanity. Smith invented the poetry slam and, thus, Slam Poetry. Smith’s efforts and ideals have allowed the rise of, now, stars like Saul Williams, Michael Cirelli and many others.
Marc Smith’s quote embodies my experience with poetry. The constant emphasis that schools place on form, length and the refined nature of poetry completely turned me off to the idea of poetry. My junior year of high school I discovered, through a friend, Saul Williams’ album “Penny for a Thought/ Purple Pigeons”. Finding this album caused me to delve deeper into the works of Saul Williams and discover a new brand of poetry that had been hidden deep under a pile of Haikus by English teachers everywhere.
Slam poetry is raw, a slam poet is an individual expressing how they truly feel deep down in a place that they only allow people to see in their poetry. I got one taste of this style of poetry and have been hooked ever since. This style of poetry has been called very macho, masculine and like a sporting event, this is what causes some people to dislike it but the raw bravado is what hooked me, as well as many other people. Marc Smith has not only created a genre, he has empowered people. Saul Williams said of slam poetry,
“It filled a tremendous void for me and my friends growing up... The only thing that prevented all the young boys in the black community from turning into Michael Jackson, from all of us bleaching our skin, from all of us losing it, just losing it, was slamming (slam poetry). That was the only counter-existence in the mainstream media. That was essential, and in that same way I think poetry fills a very huge void today [among] youth. And I guess I count myself among the youth”
Slam poetry is coming to Lexington! This genre of entertainment has not yet made a real jump to the southern states, other than Atlanta, and I am excited to get to see the inventor of the genre, and a group from his weekly show, bring Lexington into the future of poetry by allowing Lexington poets to enter this slam poetry contest!
The Intern
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Aldean Rides “Big Green Tractor” to No. 1 on the Charts

A mere 14 weeks after being released “Big Green Tractor” lands Jason Aldean another No. 1 song. Aldean has been making waves in country music ever since he debuted his self titled album in 2005. This album gained him 3 Billboard top 50 hits as well as the award for top new male vocalist at the 2006 Academy of Country Music awards.
To be honest, I have had a serious bone to pick with country music, of late. I grew up on country music. It was, in fact, the only thing that was allowed to be played in my mother’s car. In those days it seemed like the industry was driven by the artists; you had talented musicians who expressed their emotion through music. The artists were not driven by what the industry wanted to hear, and that’s what made them great. Because of this there was a group of talented, independent artists who came out with several albums, each album an evolution in the individual’s musical style. Growing up with these country greats, I have been very disappointed in the way that the country music industry has conformed to the style of the music industry as a whole. The industry has begun to praise the artists that are here today and gone tomorrow. Always searching for new talent and not cultivating the old has become the MO of the music industry and, therefore, of country music.
This said; I have been more than impressed with Jason Aldean’s staying power in the scene. 4 years after his debut, Aldean is still around and bigger than ever. In a musical environment that prizes new musicians and new styles, Aldean has been able to stay ahead of the reaper (unlike many of the other musicians that have come along in the last 5 years). “Big Green Tractor’s” rapid rise to the top shows that he still has what country music fans are looking for and embodies my hope that the industry is going back to its roots, where the truly talented few, not the “one hit wonder” drove the industry.
Aldean is joining one of his peers, Miranda Lambert, in concert at Applebees Park in Lexington as part of the Festival. Miranda Lambert is another relatively new artist that has shown her resilience in the industry. Having been around since 2003 Lambert has proven herself ready to stand in country music for a long time as well. More to come about her later…
The Intern
Friday, August 21, 2009
Decemberists visit Lexington for first time!
As an avid fan of live music (and an Alltech Fortnight Festival Blogger) I have, of course, been following the signings and concert announcements for the Festival. While there are several that I am excited about, I have to say, the concert that intrigues me most is that of the Decemberists. This band has exploded onto the scene over the past couple of years and I couldn’t help but ask myself why. I have come up with 3 reasons that I think led to their meteoric rise through the indie rock scene and their rapid appearance in the spotlight of mainstream music.
1. Talent: It is rare these days to find a band that is talented at every position. From a drummer, who brings a driving rock beat, to a guitarist, who makes one reminisce the days of talented folk musicians who dominated the mainstream of the 1960’s and 70’s, to a songwriting style that is unique, ballad-like and equally impressive. It is not often that a songwriter that has intriguing lyrics that evoke legitimate emotion can pull together the instrumentalists necessary to bring his lyrics, skillfully, to the public eye.
2. Timing: The music scene was poised for a band that hits America in its folk music roots. Set up by other successful indie bands turned mainstream phenomena, the Decemberists bring their unique style into the mix at the perfect moment for their music. The music industry was ready for a band, similar to the pioneers of indie-folk rock but unique in what it brings to the table with songwriting and overall musical ability.
3. Presence: The news is filled with musicians who get in brushes with the law to the point where it is hard for the public to care or be surprised. Often these stories are shocking to people because of the pure selfishness that is shown by the perpetrator; rarely are these brushes with the law because of a band trying to give back to its fans. The Decemberists break the mold again with the recent news coming from Portland, Oregon that featured a spontaneous, free concert put on by the band in the streets of their hometown. This concert was broken up by the police, cited as a public disturbance, but I have to respect a band for scraping with the law in order to give back to their fans. The news of this concert confirms something that I have been suspicious of for a long time… The Decemberists love to play music. I have been following the Decemberists and have noticed that they play every show with energy like it is the first show of their tour. Also they have been featured at many different well known music festivals, always drawing a large crowd and never disappointing. I am hopeful that their performance will bring the Alltech Fortnight Festival to a new level and we will see many great performances in the months and years to follow.
It is these three things that, in my opinion, bring the Decemberists to the forefront of a music industry filled with pretenders. That is why I am excited to have them as part of the Fortnight Festival, bringing good music to a town that has, historically, lacked a live music scene worth talking about.
The Intern
1. Talent: It is rare these days to find a band that is talented at every position. From a drummer, who brings a driving rock beat, to a guitarist, who makes one reminisce the days of talented folk musicians who dominated the mainstream of the 1960’s and 70’s, to a songwriting style that is unique, ballad-like and equally impressive. It is not often that a songwriter that has intriguing lyrics that evoke legitimate emotion can pull together the instrumentalists necessary to bring his lyrics, skillfully, to the public eye.
2. Timing: The music scene was poised for a band that hits America in its folk music roots. Set up by other successful indie bands turned mainstream phenomena, the Decemberists bring their unique style into the mix at the perfect moment for their music. The music industry was ready for a band, similar to the pioneers of indie-folk rock but unique in what it brings to the table with songwriting and overall musical ability.
3. Presence: The news is filled with musicians who get in brushes with the law to the point where it is hard for the public to care or be surprised. Often these stories are shocking to people because of the pure selfishness that is shown by the perpetrator; rarely are these brushes with the law because of a band trying to give back to its fans. The Decemberists break the mold again with the recent news coming from Portland, Oregon that featured a spontaneous, free concert put on by the band in the streets of their hometown. This concert was broken up by the police, cited as a public disturbance, but I have to respect a band for scraping with the law in order to give back to their fans. The news of this concert confirms something that I have been suspicious of for a long time… The Decemberists love to play music. I have been following the Decemberists and have noticed that they play every show with energy like it is the first show of their tour. Also they have been featured at many different well known music festivals, always drawing a large crowd and never disappointing. I am hopeful that their performance will bring the Alltech Fortnight Festival to a new level and we will see many great performances in the months and years to follow.
It is these three things that, in my opinion, bring the Decemberists to the forefront of a music industry filled with pretenders. That is why I am excited to have them as part of the Fortnight Festival, bringing good music to a town that has, historically, lacked a live music scene worth talking about.
The Intern
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival Line-up!!!
9/25 Jason Aldean & Miranda Lambert @ Applebee’s Park – Lexington, Kentucky (Opener: Love & Theft)
9/26 Bettye LaVette @ Singletary Center for the Arts – Lexington, Kentucky
“Beguiled Again” @ Black Box Theatre – Lexington, Kentucky
9/27 “Beguiled Again” @ Black Box Theatre – Lexington, Kentucky
9/28 Fairplay Collective @ Black Box Theatre
Lexington, Kentucky
9/29 Singer-Songwriter Night @ Black Box Theatre
Lexington, Kentucky
9/30 Marc Smith Poetry Slam @ Black Box Theatre
Lexington, Kentucky
10/1 Makem & Spain Brothers @ Lexington Opera House
Lexington, Kentucky
10/2 Mary Chapin Carpenter @ Equus Run – Midway, Kentucky
10/3 .38 Special & Kansas @ Murray State University Regional
Special Events Center - Murray Kentucky
10/4 TBA
10/5 TBA
10/6 The Decemberists @ Singletary Center for the Arts
Lexington, Kentucky
Battle of the Bluegrass @ Tin Roof – Lexington, Kentucky
10/7 Battle of the Bluegrass @ Tin Roof – Lexington, Kentucky
10/8 Ricky Skaggs @ Paramount Center for the Arts
Ashland, Kentucky
10/9 John Sebastian @ The Grand Theatre – Frankfort, Kentucky
10/10 Ronan Tynan & The Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra @
Singletary Center for the Arts - Lexington, Kentucky
Ricky Skaggs @ RiverPark Center – Owensboro, Kentucky
String Band Day @ Appalshop – Whitesburg, Kentucky
9/26 Bettye LaVette @ Singletary Center for the Arts – Lexington, Kentucky
“Beguiled Again” @ Black Box Theatre – Lexington, Kentucky
9/27 “Beguiled Again” @ Black Box Theatre – Lexington, Kentucky
9/28 Fairplay Collective @ Black Box Theatre
Lexington, Kentucky
9/29 Singer-Songwriter Night @ Black Box Theatre
Lexington, Kentucky
9/30 Marc Smith Poetry Slam @ Black Box Theatre
Lexington, Kentucky
10/1 Makem & Spain Brothers @ Lexington Opera House
Lexington, Kentucky
10/2 Mary Chapin Carpenter @ Equus Run – Midway, Kentucky
10/3 .38 Special & Kansas @ Murray State University Regional
Special Events Center - Murray Kentucky
10/4 TBA
10/5 TBA
10/6 The Decemberists @ Singletary Center for the Arts
Lexington, Kentucky
Battle of the Bluegrass @ Tin Roof – Lexington, Kentucky
10/7 Battle of the Bluegrass @ Tin Roof – Lexington, Kentucky
10/8 Ricky Skaggs @ Paramount Center for the Arts
Ashland, Kentucky
10/9 John Sebastian @ The Grand Theatre – Frankfort, Kentucky
10/10 Ronan Tynan & The Lexington Philharmonic Orchestra @
Singletary Center for the Arts - Lexington, Kentucky
Ricky Skaggs @ RiverPark Center – Owensboro, Kentucky
String Band Day @ Appalshop – Whitesburg, Kentucky
Monday, August 3, 2009
Alltech Fortnight Festival 2009 Fall Line-up to be Announced--- THIS FRIDAY!!
Who: Alltech Fortnight Festival
What: 2009 Fall Line-up Announcement
When: Friday, August 7th @ 6:00 p.m.
Where: Joseph Beth Booksellers --- Lexington, KY
Drinks and food will be served.
This event is open to everyone. We hope you can make it!!
What: 2009 Fall Line-up Announcement
When: Friday, August 7th @ 6:00 p.m.
Where: Joseph Beth Booksellers --- Lexington, KY
Drinks and food will be served.
This event is open to everyone. We hope you can make it!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Thursday, July 2, 2009
The Opener is Official
Look who will be opening for our Jason Aldean/Miranda Lambert show!

Love and Theft. Heard of them? If you haven't, you should probably check them out.

Love and Theft. Heard of them? If you haven't, you should probably check them out.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Walker Hayes opened for our Doobie Brothers show in April and we were impressed. What do you think?
Monday, June 22, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
We Signed Jason Aldean & Miranda Lambert!

Media Release
June 12, 2009
For Immediate Release
Kicking off the 2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival: Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert
[Lexington, KY] – The Alltech Fortnight Festival joins forces again with Applebee’s Park in Lexington, Ky., to kick off its 16-day, statewide celebration marking the final year before the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010™ with platinum country artists Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert. Ticket sales for the September 25th concert will begin on July 10th at 10 a.m.
A two-time Grammy winner, Lambert’s albums have earned glowing accolades from The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and Entertainment Weekly among others. The noted songwriter releases her third album, “Revolution,” on September 29. Fans will be treated to a live preview when she hits the stage in Lexington with Jason Aldean, the 2006 Academy of Country Music Top New Male Vocalist. “She’s Country” from Aldean’s latest album has been his fastest rising single yet.
“The Alltech Fortnight Festival was created by Dr. Pearse Lyons, president and founder of Alltech, as a means of building excitement throughout the state for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games while investing in the development of the arts in local communities,” said Thomas Stephens, director of the Alltech Fortnight Festival. “We are very excited to be starting our 2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival celebration at Applebee’s Park with Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert in concert together.”
“I couldn’t be happier with the show we have locked in,” said Andy Shea, general manager of Applebee’s Park. “This is a concert for men and women of all ages and should be a fantastic evening at the ballpark.”
The 2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival will be held September 25 – October 10, mirroring the Alltech Fortnight Festival’s culmination in 2010 with nightly entertainment held concurrently with the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. Since July 2008, the Alltech Fortnight Festival has produced 24 entertainment events of various genres in nine cities and 12 venues covering all regions of the Commonwealth. For more information on the Alltech Fortnight Festival, visit
Alltech is the proud sponsor of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010™ to be held in Lexington, Kentucky, from September 25th to October 10th, 2010 and the Alltech European Championships to be held in Windsor, United Kingdom, from August 25th to 30th, 2009.
Press Contact:
Susanna Elliott
Public Relations for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games
Alltech Corporate Headquarters
3031 Catnip Hill Pike
Nicholasville, Kentucky
United States
Telephone: (859) 887-5144
Mobile: (859) 473-2696
Web site :
Keith ElkinsDirector of Broadcasting and Media RelationsLexington Legends/Applebee’s Park207 Legends LaneLexington, KY 40505Telephone: (859) 422-7859Email:
For Immediate Release
Kicking off the 2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival: Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert
[Lexington, KY] – The Alltech Fortnight Festival joins forces again with Applebee’s Park in Lexington, Ky., to kick off its 16-day, statewide celebration marking the final year before the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010™ with platinum country artists Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert. Ticket sales for the September 25th concert will begin on July 10th at 10 a.m.
A two-time Grammy winner, Lambert’s albums have earned glowing accolades from The New York Times, Los Angeles Times, USA Today, and Entertainment Weekly among others. The noted songwriter releases her third album, “Revolution,” on September 29. Fans will be treated to a live preview when she hits the stage in Lexington with Jason Aldean, the 2006 Academy of Country Music Top New Male Vocalist. “She’s Country” from Aldean’s latest album has been his fastest rising single yet.
“The Alltech Fortnight Festival was created by Dr. Pearse Lyons, president and founder of Alltech, as a means of building excitement throughout the state for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games while investing in the development of the arts in local communities,” said Thomas Stephens, director of the Alltech Fortnight Festival. “We are very excited to be starting our 2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival celebration at Applebee’s Park with Jason Aldean and Miranda Lambert in concert together.”
“I couldn’t be happier with the show we have locked in,” said Andy Shea, general manager of Applebee’s Park. “This is a concert for men and women of all ages and should be a fantastic evening at the ballpark.”
The 2009 Alltech Fortnight Festival will be held September 25 – October 10, mirroring the Alltech Fortnight Festival’s culmination in 2010 with nightly entertainment held concurrently with the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games. Since July 2008, the Alltech Fortnight Festival has produced 24 entertainment events of various genres in nine cities and 12 venues covering all regions of the Commonwealth. For more information on the Alltech Fortnight Festival, visit
Alltech is the proud sponsor of the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games 2010™ to be held in Lexington, Kentucky, from September 25th to October 10th, 2010 and the Alltech European Championships to be held in Windsor, United Kingdom, from August 25th to 30th, 2009.
Press Contact:
Susanna Elliott
Public Relations for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games
Alltech Corporate Headquarters
3031 Catnip Hill Pike
Nicholasville, Kentucky
United States
Telephone: (859) 887-5144
Mobile: (859) 473-2696
Web site :
Keith ElkinsDirector of Broadcasting and Media RelationsLexington Legends/Applebee’s Park207 Legends LaneLexington, KY 40505Telephone: (859) 422-7859Email:
Friday, May 29, 2009
Signing Acts
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Welcome Fans
We hope that you enjoy our brand new blog! We are about to finish up the first phase of the festival with the Doobie Brothers next weekend, April 3rd, in Paducah, Kentucky at the Carson Center.

Currently, we are planning and booking entertainment for the fortnight period this fall: September 25-October 10, 2009. Keep checking back for updates and the soon-to-be announced fall 2009 line-up!

Currently, we are planning and booking entertainment for the fortnight period this fall: September 25-October 10, 2009. Keep checking back for updates and the soon-to-be announced fall 2009 line-up!
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