You know what Lady Gaga is missing? A money sign in her name...what a missed opportunity. But like a beautiful, washed up angel with whiskey stains on her shirt and a First Response in her pocket, KE$HA glides in on the chance. And with this day in age's taste in music, it wouldn't be right if her album didn't top the charts. After all, she does have a band on stage with her that pretend to play instruments and she's blurring the line between what's fashionable and what's stolen from the crossdresser in The Rocky Horror Picture Show. With deep, philosophical roots hardwired into her lyrics such as "Before I leave, brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack" and "Ain't got a care in world, but got plenty of beer," KE$HA's most popular fan demographic (females 12-17 years old) will learn so many life lessons from this Californian twentysometing. It also seems that she has acquired a protégé after writing songs with Miley Cyrus. Which reminds me, what ever happened to that show "To Catch a Predator" with Chris Hansen?
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